Author: Master David Cheung
There is good news for people over 40 years of age. Special training is being organised by applying 24 years of martial arts experience and 12 years of teaching experience. In fact, some M.A.P.’s have already started training – they couldn’t wait!
It is a misunderstanding that martial arts are only for youths, which is why many people give up when they get over 40, or never get started. Actually that age is a good time to start because they have already reached maturity of mind and body. They know what is right to do, and what’s wrong to do with their art.
Master David Cheung will guide them to develop self-awareness of the positive and negative energies around them, and a better approach to deal with mental and physical obstacles.
M.A.P.’s are not only an easier target for crime, but also a ‘bigger fish’ in general for the criminals. If they could devote a little time to training martial arts, they would begin to feel more confident through looking younger, healthier, and creating more harmony in their lives.
In general, martial arts offers the power of mind, spirit and body, but some styles are too hard and some too soft. Since the Wing Chun system was developed by a woman to fight on an equal footing against stronger and bigger opponents, we believe that it will achieve the same when applied to M.A.P.’s.
Master Cheung has had past experience in helping people up to 65 years of age successfully achieve in the training of martial arts.…